Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Word of the Day: Amphigory

Can you pronounce amphigory?
Word Daily
Tuesday, January 28, 2025

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noun 1. A nonsense verse; a rigmarole, which is meaningless despite possibly appearing to have meaning.

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Play Button "Lewis Carroll's poem 'Jabberwocky' is an amphigory that sounds like regular English, until one examines its nonsense words in detail."
Play Button "I was struggling to understand my poetry assignment, until a classmate revealed it was an amphigory and couldn't be understood at face value."
Play Button "The poem was an amphigory, but I still spent an hour trying to make sense of it."
French, late 18th century
Why This Word?
This literary device is essentially a bit of gobbledygook. A well-known amphigory is found in the closing credits of the 1980s sitcom "WKRP in Cincinnati." Musician Jim Ellis wrote music for a song to play over the end credits but didn't yet have words prepared, so in an early demo he sang gibberish over the hard-rock backing track and was surprised to discover it sounded effective. ...
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