Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Join Us in Building Communitea by Magic Hour!

Dear there,
When I started Magic Hour it was to connect people in person through tea. When Covid hit I thought that dream was over but went online and found all of you—you got me through Covid's isolation, you helped me find a community when I was scared and alone, thinking this dream of community would not happen. BUT we did it—you found us through our videos and we formed a family online. 
After the lockdowns and the ups and downs, I was running an ecommerce business instead of running an in person community. I was ok with that because it's YOU! And when I get to see you in person in the tea shop in Ojai, or online, my heart soars!
And NOW a miracle has landed in my lap—a huge downtown hub in Ojai opened up for me to take it over and it already has a place to have a tea salon, an art gallery, a big classroom and a lounge along with a big garden patio—this beautiful place can house well over 100 tea lovers at a time and when the opportunity arose I signed on the dotted line without hesitancy.
Then reality set in and I found myself waking up in cold sweats and wondering how the heck I'm going to pay for chairs and paint and permits when we are in our normal summer slump (tea sales in summer are lower as most people drink tea in winter), but I just know this is meant to be—I mean, I woke up in cold sweat panics when I started Magic Hour too but now look how amazing we are all as a community!

I was going to set up a kickstarter but then realized I could sell gift cards and raise the money we need that way! Kickstarter takes almost 10% so I was like, "WAIT! We can do this ourselves!"

So here I am asking for help—will you help by buying a gift card to help us get the doors open at Communitea by Magic Hour?
I want to open these all over the world, possibly have partners like you to be the partners—what if this is the start of that vision and you all can be a part of it?? 

How You Can Help:
  • Make a Pledge: Your financial support will help us secure permits, buy chairs (yes we are that practical :)) and open in July! Every pledge, large or small, brings us closer to realizing our dream.

  • Purchase Gift Cards: Buy a gift card from clubmagichour.com to enjoy our unique offerings and support our ongoing operations. It's a great way to treat yourself or someone special while helping us grow.

  • Spread the Word: Share our story with your friends, family, and social networks. Your voice can make a significant impact in raising awareness and attracting more supporters to our cause of creating connection in a disconnected world! 
In return for your support, we will be forever grateful and there will be benefits including a gift card, permanent recognition on our website, and access to special classes and events. Imagine a place where you can rejuvenate, learn, and connect over a cup of tea—whether in person or online, your contribution helps us create this magical space.
Thank you for being a part of our journey and helping us grow. Together, we can build a Communitea that nurtures health, healing, and meaningful connections, I love you all and am ever grateful for all you do to make the world a more loving and connected place—through tea!
With a BIG HUG,

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