Sunday, June 16, 2024

Happy Father's Day ⚡️

Hey there,

It's the perfect time to celebrate dads who are the heartbeat of youth sports.

Dad is often your first coach, your biggest fan, and unwavering supporter.

He spends countless hours playing catch, driving you back and forth to practice and games, and helping you up when you fail or fall. His active presence is a testament of his dedication and love.

Take a moment today to honor the fathers who make it all possible.

Remember, it's not just about the wins and losses; it's the memories made, the lessons learned, and the love shared along the way.

Happy Father's Day!

- - -

Bear Mayer
Founder & CEO

P.S. If you forgot to shop for Dad, check out these Premium Hats + SuperSoft Tees he'll love.

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