Friday, April 28, 2023

Take a look at what a gold portfolio can do nowadays…

Since October 31st 2022, the S&P 500 is up only 4.02%... The NASDAQ is up an encouraging 8.53%... And the Dow Jones Industrial Average has flatlined, with a loss of 0.05%.

Now, don't get us wrong, those number are not atrocious by any means… especially in today's market environment.

But if you were to compare that to our 2023 Ultimate Gold Portfolio… and well, the results speak for themselves:


On average, our portfolio – made up of Major Gold Producers, Royalty & Streaming companies, Hard Assets, and more – is up 25.75% since Halloween.

Bottom line: Gold is finally outperforming most stocks.

Heck, even our portfolio is outforming the price of gold itself by a margin of 5.71%!

For the rest of 2023, we expect this divergence to continue as the overall markets idle into a recession.

That's why we're urging all investors to seek immediate exposure to the gold sector.

To help investors get started, we're giving away a FREE 2023 gold portfolio and allocation strategy.

To get our picks, just click here to download the free report – everything you need is inside.

No frills – these are the only gold stocks you should consider buying as the gold bull market accelerates.

Gold Playbook

P.S. This report is a primer to today's evolving gold investment environment. Not only does it cover some of the basics like how to hedge your wealth safely with gold… but it also breaks down industry trends sector by sector… and pinpoints several high-quality growth stocks along the way.

Before investors across the globe all jump on the gold train, now's your chance… Click here to get our top picks.

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