Thursday, November 17, 2022

Hey, do you have the right plan?

Hey guys!

We all "know" the best time to start is now … but the reality is a lot of people start with trying to make a plan.

The problem is, where do you begin with building a plan to reach your goals?

How do you know you have the right plan?

What can you do to make sure it'll be worth it?

All great questions with some answers that may surprise you.

Join me and TransPHORMation Advisor, Meg LaFerla, for a LIVE CALL going over 3 tips to remember when making a successful plan for your goals.

The great news is, these tips don't apply to just a physical goal, like weight loss.

They will also apply to your goals at work ... for your family...

...or any area of your life you want to improve and become a better version of yourself!

The call will be held live through Zoom on Monday, November 21st, at 7:00 PM CST, and you can click the link below to sign up! (spots are limited)


We are hosting this call because we feel that it's our obligation to help teach and share how to actually maximize your opportunity, reach your goal, and become the very best version of yourself!

Because it's important to you, yes. And it's also important for your friends, family, community and the people around you.

When you take this seriously, attack your goals head-on with a great plan, and you accomplish your goals … you are creating a positive example for everyone else around you to follow ... and, in turn, making everyone else around you better!

And feel free to send the link to a friend or co-worker who you think could benefit from this information and help accomplish their goals as well!

So, mark your calendar, bring a few questions of your own, and get ready to learn how you can truly get yourself real and long-term results!

Thank you for investing the time to read this all the way through and make it a great rest of your day!

- Sal
President of 1st Phorm

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