Friday, October 14, 2022

Most Profitable Less Than $5 Stock In The World?

Dear Reader,

Let me show you a chart.

It shows the revenue of four tech stocks.
One is IBM.

One is Facebook.

One is Tesla.

And that big red one to the right?

That's a virtually unknown stock that trades under a secret name.

It brings in more cash than any of the other three tech giants.

And yet...

While IBM trades for $120, Facebook for $350 and Tesla for more than $1,100...

This other company trades for just under $5.

Find out why in this "leaked" footage from a former Wall Street money manager.
It's mind-blowing.


Matt Benjamin

Senior Macroeconomic Analyst, The Oxford Club

P.S. This stock probably won't be less than $5 for long. Get details on the groundbreaking project here.

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