Tuesday, October 11, 2022

DG Value Slumps 27.8% YTD; Sees Plenty Of Value In Mid Caps [Exclusive]

Biden: By 2030, 50% Of All Vehicles Will Be Electric. Sparking New "Lithium Gold Rush."

Experts predict that the global lithium market will balloon by 500%. That's wonderful news for investors, because a "sure-thing" like this appears once in a lifetime. And this small-cap company just snagged what could be one of the world's largest lithium deposits.

Discover This Company's MASSIVE Lithium Opportunity!

DG Value Slumps 27.8% YTD; Sees Plenty Of Value In Mid Caps [Exclusive]

Dov Gertzulin's DG Value Partner's flagship fund returned -6.42% net for the month of September, and its year-to-date results to -27.81% net according to a copy of the hedge fund's latest investor correspondence, which ValueWalk has been able to review. The flagship fund accounts for the bulk of the firm's $370 million in assets under […] Read More

Record Pessimism

Given people's outlook, a GOP wave in the midterms could lead to a big market rally Q2 2022 hedge fund letters, conferences and more Read More

Morningstar Tells Investors This Metric Is More Important Than Stock Value or Growth

If you want to invest your money in a smart way, financial experts have recommended avoiding big, high-growth stocks in favor of value names that aren't as popular. The basic strategy: identify opportunities while minimizing some risk. But the Chicago-based financial firm Morningstar says there's a smarter way to make money—beta can help investors identify […] Read More

Investors See Opportunity in Huge Global Demand for Lithium

The global lithium market is projected to surge 500% due to a growing need for lithium-filled batteries. And one junior mining company in a renowned location in South America is in the right place at the right time to capitalize on this megatrend.

Put this company on your investing radar today.

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