Sunday, October 23, 2022

BTG Pactual Rates Fund Treads Water In Volatile Rates Market [Exclusive]

BTG Pactual Rates Fund Treads Water In Volatile Rates Market [Exclusive]

The BTG Pactual Rates Fund is down -0.08% this year, according to a copy of the firm's September investor update, which ValueWalk has been able to review. The $446 million fund seeks to achieve long-term capital appreciation and low volatility trading arbitrage opportunities across liquid US rate curves. While it is down for the year, […] Read More

Are DMs Now EMs…???

The history of finance, is basically the history of ruined speculators claiming that "no one could have seen that coming." To be successful at this game, one must focus on the unexpected—the tail risks that no one is even thinking about. However, in the echo-chamber that is modern finance, these tails often get dismissed or […] Read More

The Fed Is Fuct (Part 4)…

The Fed is trapped in a box of their own creation. As a result, they may want to talk tough, but their ability to maneuver is severely restricted. The Fed claims that they're targeting a terminal rate of 4.6% for Fed Funds, but if they did that for any period of time, they'd only succeed […] Read More

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