Friday, July 22, 2022

Ready For The Next Dow Crash?

Dear Subscriber,

If you think the recent series of big crash days in the stock market is just a false alarm, think again.

Stock investors are in grave danger, extremely vulnerable to the Fed's next rate hikes, the recession it will inevitably cause and much, much worse.

Here's the dire dilemma:

If the Fed doesn't raise interest rates fast enough, inflation will take off like a rocket and rip through the portfolios of investors like a paper shredder.

If the Fed does raise rates enough to kill inflation, the stock market crash will get a lot worse and gut investor portfolios even faster.

In my just-released video, The Collapse of 2022, I show you how to escape — and even profit — from this disaster.

I give you …

  • The Weiss Ratings endangered list — stocks to start selling immediately …
  • Two ways to turn stock market crashes into unique wealth-building opportunities …
  • An investment strategy that can generate an extra $1,000 or more almost every Friday …
  • Premium access to our 100% independent, unbiased 56,000 ratings on virtually every stock, exchange-traded fund, mutual fund and financial institution in America …
  • Plus much more.

Click here now, and The Collapse of 2022 video will begin playing on your screen immediately.

Video Screenshot

Good luck and God bless!


Martin D. Weiss, PhD
Weiss Ratings Founder


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